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Monday 19 April 2010

Coming clean

And now here I am at Hacienda Del Sol undergoing a “cleanse”. That means a five day juice fast, two colemas a day (I’ll let you google that) and two sessions of continuum a day (you can look that up too –

In brief, and to borrow the words of one of my fellow inmates, we are spending the week drinking juice, putting things up our bum and rolling around on the floor.

The cleansing part is great and I do recommend it to anyone. My least favourite bit is continuum, which then turns into group talks. None of those things are really my bag but I’m happy to go to the beach, take mud baths, drink juice and put stuff up my bum. It’s the end of day three today and I feel great, although weary as today is the first day I’ve written and there was a lot to catch up on.


Well the cleanse ended up being extremely taxing with the last three days spent pretty much flat out. The constant diarrhoea, which relapsed after the Epsom salts for the liver cleanse, got the better of me and I ended up completely out of energy and quite dehydrated. Three days were spent pretty much flat out in bed and it still took another few days after that before I had enough energy to get myself around and not feel like I had to sit and rest after the most simple task, like walking a short distance.