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Thursday 17 June 2010

San Juan del Sur

After a few rough days in town it was definitely time to hit the beach again. I don’t know what it is about Central America but as soon as I’m away from the coast for just a little while, I am desperate to get back. I don’t know how I’m going to fare in Guatemala.

Well futbol fever has hit the world and it is no different here in Nicaragua. I walked into Casa Oro hostel in San Juan Del Sur at about midday on Saturday, just half an hour to the USA vs England game – perfect timing.

The TV area in the hostel was packed and it was a great atmosphere – a few Americans, a few poms, a few Aussies and miscellaneous Europeans. I wasn’t sure which side I was going to support until the opening minutes when the loudmouth beside me convinced me I should be supporting England. Who yells out “de-fence, de-fence” in a soccer game?

It was hideous to watch the pommie goal keeper stuff up allowing that goal and after consoling a pom I confessed my sympathy was partly self preservation – I was a bit anxious about our game the following day. Deservedly so as it turns out. Watching the game the following day surrounded by Germans was a hideous and excruciating experience. A definite low point.

Life in San Juan del Sur is very laid back, a beach town that is pretty touristy. As in the rest of Central America, most people are here to surf – whether they’ve done it before or not. Even though it is the low season, there was plenty of buzz at the hostel which was great. There were loads of solo travellers so we spent a fair bit of time together going to the bars and just hanging out. Most travellers are in the 20-28 age bracket so hanging out with them means drinking games and tall stories. All good fun.

If you’re not into surfing, the other thing to do here is walk up to the cool statue of Jesus up on the hill which offers a beautiful view up and down the coast. Really though I have to confess to five days of doing not terribly much but having a great time nonetheless.

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