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Tuesday 14 September 2010

When you're done, you're done

I booked the shuttle to leave Lanquin on Saturday and head to Rio Dulce and from there, Livingston, a Garifuna town only accessible by boat.

About 9pm the night before they told me the shuttle wouldn't go because of the roads and I had to stay in Lanquin another day. Could be worse but I was ready to go, I'd already had a day of lazing around and certainly didn't need another. I'm an instinctive traveller and when you're done, you're done, it's time to go.

So I was relieved when at about 10.30pm they told me it was back on - not the roads at all but apparently I was the only one booked on the shuttle and it wasn't worth it for the driver. I understand that. But there was a late surge of interest and we headed off on Saturday morning with six of us on the shuttle.

An aside: it is far easier to get shuttles across this part of Guatemala than rely on chicken buses. But I prefer the colours, smells, sounds and sights of the chicken buses. They are cheaper yes, but the the enjoyment is in the rides, crazy drivers, interesting passengers, all sorts of food offered for sale up and down the aisles at various stops. I'm looking forward to the chicken buses again - soon I hope.

I was ready bright and early Saturday morning, after only about 3 hours sleep, to get on the bus and finally we headed off. About half an hour into the journey a lightning bolt pierced my brain and I remembered that I had left my camera battery and charger in the powerpoint at Zephyr. I'm sure you can imagine what I yelled out.

After about half an hour of help by a Belgian passenger and the driver, we confirmed the charger was indeed still in the powerpoint and that the driver would bring it on his trip tomorrow and meet me outside Sundog Cafe in Rio Dulce at 1.30pm. Cool. So Dayun, Stuart and I settled into Rio Dulce and quickly discovered there is nothing to do here - despite it being a really attractive location. We popped into the gritty town for a greasy lunch of fried chicken and chips, then in the afternoon, wandered down to the Yacht Club for a gin and tonic. A spot of dinner back at the hotel then off to bed for my weary bones. The boys were heading off to Livingston in the morning because there is nothing to do here.

I hung around to meet the driver. It wasn't pleasant sitting outside in a dusty carpark for two hours in the hot and humid air, but what can one do. I returned to the hotel dreading the thought of another night here. Another day and all I had to do was go sit in a @#$@ carpark for a couple more hours in the heat of the day. Guess what, no one turned up.

I was ready to go two days ago at this point.

Rather desperate, I had been messaging Chris from the hostel who had been speaking with the driver who kept telling me they were there and waiting but I never showed. I'm glad Chris believed me. He knows Rio Dulce so he understands I wouldn't be missing these crucial appointments. And, I can't use my camera for the rest of the trip without the charger so I have to wait.

Finally, day four in Rio Dulce and I asked Chris to ask the driver to bring it to me here at the hotel. It is just across the bridge and I couldn't bear sitting in that godforsaken carpark again. Finally at 1.30pm my driver turns up with a load of new backpackers. After unloading them he finally broke it to me that his friend has the charger and will be here in cinco minutos. Thoughtfully he left me his mate's number. So after half an hour I asked the girl here to call him for me and see what is going on. At this point the camera was losing the battle. I understood it would be sometime today. Joy and rapture it took a couple of hours but finally got here.

Poor old Rio Dulce, it is really quite pretty and I just can't understand why it is so boring, but it is. I guess that can be the same with people too sometimes.

So tomorrow is Independence Day in Guatemala (and Mexico and the rest of Central America, I believe) and I get to celebrate by leaving Rio Dulce, I'll be on the 9.30am boat for Livingston.

I am done here!

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