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Sunday 7 November 2010

Homeward Bound (for now)

Today I begin the long journey back to Australia. Starting with an 18 hour bus ride tonight up to San Jose. On Wednesday I leave Central America and on Friday I arrive back home in Sydney.

Eight months, eight countries, hundreds of chicken buses, dozens of boats, motorbikes, horses, quad bikes, self built cars, mini-vans, taxis, tuk-tuks, utes and a couple of planes. I've read close to 50 books, watched dozens of movies, met hundreds of people. I would hate to think how much beer and rum I've consumed but I have done dozens of yoga classes in several different towns to hopefully counteract some of that. I've eaten more beans and rice and fried chicken than I care to think about.

Central America is beautiful and fascinating. Each country is so different from each other but I think you need to spend time here to really see that. Even the differences between Pacific and Caribbean is huge. Most people wonder how I could possibly spend eight months just in Central America but I can't see how I would have done it any other way.

This blog will take a well deserved break over the Australian summer but I'll be back online in March to report on my new adventures - volunteering in India...

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