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Sunday 24 April 2011

Settling In

It's amazing how time flies! Nearly three weeks ago I arrived back in Bhubaneswar. It is nice to finally be in one spot and have somewhere to call home after more than a year of living out of a suitcase.

The past few weeks I have been busy with doing all the things one needs to do when setting up a new home, as well as fulfill all the Indian government requirements for foreign residents.
Most things take time, require patience, and leave you a little bit nuts at the end of it. Getting internet connected was a bit of a saga. Now I can move onto things like opening a bank account and purchasing a set of wheels.

Bhubaneswar is a pretty big city but there aren't very many western conveniences. The city is currently enjoying a property boom thanks to all the mining money in Orissa. There are huge billboards around town selling new luxury apartments with the help of Indian cricket players.

Nightlife is almost non-existent. Of course there are restaurants and most shops reopen just before sunset and stay open until around 9 or 10pm but bars and clubs are very limited. There is one relatively new club we went to the past two Saturdays. When word gets out there are foreign women there, the crowd miraculously grows. Better than the six or so people who were there before we arrived. We also have the owner drive us all home in the wee hours of the morning.

India is extremely conservative and it is taking some getting used to. It is not appropriate for women to drink, let alone buy alcohol, or smoke cigarettes. Being out at night is not ideal - maybe occasionally for dinner or a party but one is expected to return home by 10pm - maybe 10.30pm. 

One annoyance is paying foreigners prices for things. The pale skin means money so many try to overcharge for things like food at the markets or auto rickshaw rides around town. It takes a while to figure out what you really need to be paying for things.

My neighbourhood is getting used to having a foreign lady in their midst and the kids are starting to walk with me as I go down to get an auto rickshaw. Conversation hasn't developed much past hello, how are you, I am fine - but that's a good start.

Oh - and the heat. It is very hot all the time and being on the top floor, my room becomes a sauna most afternoons. I am told it is unseasonally cool at the moment. I never thought I'd hear temperatures from 38-43 degrees being referred to as unseasonally cool but there you go!

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