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Tuesday 24 August 2010

Puerto Escondido

Arriving in Puerto Escondido was like arriving in Bali after escaping the Sydney winter.

I ended up spending four nights here which involved muchas fiestas – we were at the beach after all.

We had developed a tight knit group which included Lucy, Dan, Mike and Nick and over the few days we had a lot of fun together. Sipping margharitas in hammocks on the beach, swimming, surfing, gymnastics (well sort of), a pretty coastal walk, a cancelled fishing trip, card games, cooking, bars, clubs, karaoke and clothes swapping.

Monday was extremely sad when one by one, Dan, Lucy and Mike took night buses to their respective destinations. Nick and I, expecting a quiet night, ended up at a club dancing with some locals - déjà vu.

Time to leave in the morning…

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