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Sunday 6 March 2011

Delhi Bound

It was great to finally arrive in Delhi after a long flight via Dubai and a fair bit of to-ing and fro-ing about when I would actually leave. See my visa came through a few days before I left but some of the other volunteers had delays which meant the In Country Orientation (ICO) was now to be delayed by two weeks. Sick of sitting around Sydney I managed to arrange to go anyway. At the very least, a few weeks in Delhi to shop and sightsee would be a great way to kill some time.

Alas, my hopes of extending my ridiculously long holiday were thwarted by the reality that I am here in India to work so after a day of acclimatisation in Delhi, I was on the train for the journey across the sub-continent to Bhubaneswar, Orissa, my new home.

I was pleasantly surprised by the train journey. I mean it is India and the distances are huge but for a 26 hour train trip it was very comfortable - bed, linen, air conditioning, constant delivery of food and tea and water, a powerpoint even! Sharing a compartment with three middle-aged Indian men who snore extremely loudly was only manageable with ear plugs and headphones. One needs a large selection of entertainment material on these journeys - books, music and music.

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